
Contact us

Hosted by

  • Company: Debrecen Sportcentrum Public Nonprofit Ltd.
  • Address: 4032 Debrecen, Oláh Gábor u. 5.
  • Tax number: 20749941-2-09
  • Company registration number: 09-09-016786
    Registered at the Registry of the Debrecen General Court.

Opening hours

  • Monday - Friday: 16:00 - 18:00, or
  • Saturday - Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00, subject to change without notice.
If you would like to use the pitch outside this period, please contact us in advance.


  • Name: LittleShark Marketing Ltd.
  • Address: 4034 Debrecen, Szamos u. 18.
  • Email: